Walnut, Standard
To assure the high quality standard of our NILL-grips we exclusively use selected and seasoned walnut.

Walnut, Grained
Our Grained Walnut is, without exception, first-class, hand picked wood of high quality. The nobility and figuring of the grain comes to life with our high gloss finish.

This fine grained, dense wood is exceptionally hard and has a silky feeling to it. The tones vary from mid-brown to magenta with dark stripes for a play of light and shadow.

Laminated Wood
Don´t confuse Laminated Wood with plywood. The Laminated Wood used for our grips is a high grade, multi-ply material in line with our stringent demands for quality. It is made according to our wishes and in colour variations of our choice by selected manufacturers. The beautiful colours come to life when the wood is varished.
Maple, Stabilized
In a complicated procedure the capillaries of the wood are impregnated and conserved with resin. The effect of the resin, combined with various constituents of the wood (minerals etc.) creates an unusual play of colour, light and shadow. Grips of Stabilised Maple need not be oiled, but should be burnished on a buffing wheel. At the moment we are not finishing grips in this material.