Various Grip Sizes:
By Adjustable Match Grips
The biggest selection of grips availabe in various sizes can be found in the Adjustable Match Grip program. Generally, the following size may be taken as standardised: S= 70-80mm, M=80-90mm, L=90-100mm, XL=100-110mm. Standard size = 85-95mm.
Because of the length and height of some pistols and revolvers the grips may vary individually somewhat from this norm in order that they may fit in the official ISSF measurement box. XL grips for Sport and Service Pistols are partially over the permitted size allowed by the ISSF.
By Service-Pistol, Revolver and Special Models
Standard size for these models is 83-98mm. Different models are also offered in S=70-85mm, XL= 95-105mm and XXL=100-110mm.
Hand Outline Sketch
If you are not sure which standard grip fits your hand please make an outline sketch of your shooting hand as follows: Lay -as shown in the diagram- your elbow and your shooting hand flat and without pressure on an A4 sheet of paper. Holding a thin ball-pen refill vertically to the paper trace with light pressure the life size contour of your hand. Then press your palm on the paper and draw the contour in a dotted line on the sheet. If you send us the drawing by fax or Email please be sure to draw a scaled right angle on the paper on the same page to ensure that any dimensional distortion resulting from transmission can be measured.