Replacement grips

with open back


Symmetrical with finger grooves and squared backstrap (square butt)

The use of open back strap and finger grooves make this grip look very elegant on a 4-6" square butt revolver. The palm swell and additional ergonomic design makes these grips fit extremely will in your hands and work very well for shooters with small hands. Available in smooth rosewood, stippled walnut or partially finished with Rhomlas®.


Symmetrical with finger grooves and rounded backstrap (round butt)

The rounded off backstrap area make these grips appear to be more compact. However, they are the same size as square butt designed revolvers. Available in stippled walnut or smooth rosewood


Compact, symmetrical grip with finger grooves

Despite their compact form these grips with finger grooves offer excellent control when shooting and are ideal for concealed carry. They are about 5 mm longer than the revolver frame.


Short symmetrical model with finger grooves

Extremely compact grips which are flush with the bottom of the frame but still fill the hand are optimal for back-up revolvers.