You can also have your grip engraved to set it apart from a normal production grip. Your wish is our command. Our very talented team of engravers can make almost any wish become reality. For this service please contact us. We will be more than pleased to provide you with a quotation.

Premium woods and finishes
For those individuals who appreciate fancy or exotic woods, these grips enhance the aesthetic value as well as augmenting the ergonomics of your pistol. Symmetrically perfect, these grips are painstakingly hand polished to an ultra smooth finish. High-quality grips of fancy grained walnut are available on request for various pistols. Grips of Ambonia and thuya or other exotic wood are available on request for limited models.

With fish-scale chequering
This high-grade fish-scale chequering can usually be seen on highquality hunting rifles and shotguns, and sometimes on engraved pistols. Nill Grips has succeeded in offering you this extraordinary chequering for a few special grip models.

Replicas of original grips for pistols
From time to time Nill makes special production runs of replica grips for old pistols. An example is the Mauser 08. These grips are made according to original blueprints and finished in detail for frames from various series. The chequering is hand cut.
As in the past, there are many friends of this unusually pure but in appearance humble material. We are happy to say that after lengthy correspondence with all relevant authorities we have permission to sell, with CITES authorisation, from our stock of ivory and can offer to produce ivory grips on request.
(Export to non-EU countries only with import/export authorisation. Export to the USA is not possible.)