Different types of variations on Sig Sauer P226 / P228 pistols

main spring seats

Meanwhile, there are several generations of frame types and main spring seats available for the Sig Sauer P226 (also for the x-five, x-six etc.) and for the P228. Please check BEFORE placing your order (when looking at the pictures) what type of variation your pistol is – and inform us together with the corresponding serial number of your pistol.

Picture 1: First generation

Picture 2: Second generation

Picture 3: Thinner / more compact version (rarely used)

Picture 4: Newest generation with a long spring housing and thread insert for mounting an aluminium jet funnel (mainly used on the x-five, x-six, LDC II models)

Picture 5: Newest generation with a long spring housing and thread insert for mounting an aluminium jet funnel

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